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Shop for Kids Back to School Furniture Essentials

Posted by JBB on

Before kids go back to school, it’s important for parents to choose the right furniture pieces for their rooms. A comfortable bed, a sturdy desk and plenty of shelves can help kids stay organized so they can excel in their classes.

Bunk Beds

Parents with more than one child know that single beds can take up a lot of space in a room. Save space by giving your kids bunk beds instead. With the extra floor area, kids will have more room for their toys, clothing and school supplies.They can also provide more area for other furniture pieces. You can shop for many different styles including bunk beds with slides and built-in shelves or even the ones that look like pirate ships.

Loft Beds For Space Saving

Kids who are lucky enough to have their own room can optimize their space with loft beds. Similar to bunk beds, they save space and provide extra storage room. The extra floor area underneath can be used as a cozy playroom for little kids or a study area for big kids. Many even have desks and shelves that are built into the lower section, so you won’t have to buy another piece of furniture.

Bunk Beds with Stairs

These days, kids don’t have to climb up to the top bunk on a tiny ladder. Bunk beds with stairs provide a comfortable stairway that adds a touch of elegance to a room. Many of the staircases contain built-in drawers, so kids have more room to store school supplies, clothing and accessories. Some bunk beds are even made with stairs and a slide.

bunk bed with stairs

Computer Desks and Bookshelves

The back-to-school season is an important time to shop for computer desks and bookshelves. When books and school supplies are organized, kids can get more focused on their homework. Computer desks for kids come in fun colors and are built at the perfect height for young learners. Shop for cute, creative bookshelves and your kids might just have fun organizing their collection of books.

  • back to school
  • bunk beds
  • kids furniture